Sunday, April 15, 2012

Week 37

Start weight: 247
Current weight: 184
Total loss: 63

So, thank you willpower for letting me not only buy, but consume: two bags of easter candy and a bag of chips.
I bought the chips for our camping trip, but they didn't make it 3 days in the house. I should've known better, but it's a new week now.
The candy was just stupid. I shouldn't have even gone down that aisle! 
"It was on sale..."
"It's for my husband"
"I can control myself"
Those are the things I thought to myself as I was buying it....
No excuses though, I am back at the gym at least 5 days this week and no more candy!
I will lose weight this week!
Camping in NC, trying not to eat 65 s'mores :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I hope that my niece, born in January 2012 will never remember me as "fat" Aunt Kayla, hopefully I will just be Aunt Kayla.
I know that my other nieces and nephews may remember me being bigger, but I hope that this time I am just a normal aunt.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Week 36

Start weight: 247
Current weight: 184
Total loss: 63

My loss number keeps getting bigger!
Like it's supposed to, I know. It's just that after being big for so long, I feel like at some point it's just going to stop and not get any lower.
Please, God, don't let that happen!
It feels weird after a mediocre workout week to lose 2.6lbs...but I hope it has something to do with me gaining muscle so I can keep losing fat!
Those 15lb weights are heavy and my triceps hate me this week!
But the best thing ever happened in Zumba Thursday: the lady behind me in class asked me if I knew I had amazing legs?
WOW. Me? Like did you know I weighed 250lbs 9 months ago? Geez.
I just said thank you and smiled :) That made my whole freakin' week.
This just in: It freaks me out when I see a picture of myself and I'm like do I really look like that? I don't look fat all the time!!!
Me being a happy, healthy camper with my beautiful bike!
New size 13 dress
Dinner with the love of my life

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A new weight

Being under 186lbs is new to me, I haven't been here since highschool!
I was 186 on the cruise in 2009.
And now I am under....
This is the scary part right?
I haven't been this small on purpose, ever.
Getting into the 170's is what will really throw me for a loop.
At 5'5", 179lbs puts me into Overweight BMI and out of Obese BMI.
I'm hoping Mother's Day, which will be the next time I see most of Michael's family (since Christmas when I was 200lbs) that I will be in the 170's.
It will be truly amazing!

Monday, April 2, 2012

60lbs down!

My reward:
New shoes :)
where to wear them?
here hopefully:

Honestly, I wanted to go out to eat as a reward. I'm getting the feeling that we can still go out to eat, but my main reward will be spending time with my man doing something new (a musical), while wearing my 60lbs lost heels :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week 35

Starting weight: 247
Current weight: 186.6
Total loss: 60.4

A great week, weight loss wise...
Hitting 60lbs lost feels amazing!
I am 2/3rds of my way to goal now, feeling more motivated than ever.
Sad news: I didn't win anything in our 2 month gym challenge, but I did lose 12lbs! and gain a lot of new classes to love :)
This week I went up to 15lb handweights for my active class, and I wasn't sore! The teacher noticed and called me a rockstar, it is so amazing how achieving new things feels!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Week 34

Start weight: 247
Current weight: 188
Total loss: 59 the 180's this week!
59lbs seems like such a big number, SO close to 60lbs!

I'm feeling so much like I did when I lost weight last time, in a good way.
The compliments are back and I feel confident!
It's really happening this time!
Trying on Larges that fit makes me smile :)
And trying on old clothes that I bought 1 & 2 years ago that fit, or fit again are a huge victory!
Left:August 2009 (194lbs)                      Right:March 2012 (188lbs)

Looking forward to another great week and hitting that 60lbs lost mark!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

MOTIVATION: Compliments

In 2009 when I lost weight, repeat guests at the hotel I was working at would congratulate me on my loss and tell me I looked great. That kept me motivated to keep working out and eating right. Then I started a new job where no one knew that I had lost weight, they just knew me as the cute new delivery girl.
Then I gained weight and the compliments went away.
Fast forward to October of 2011, I had lost 40lbs and was wondering where the compliments were.
I mean I lost 40lbs! How did no one notice??
I got a little discouraged. 
At the same time my husband had lost 20lbs getting really close to his ideal weight, people made such a big deal about how good he looked since losing weight again. And I thought "What am I, chopped liver?!?"
Granted it was colder outside and I was wearing last years XXL hoodie.
But I know I should be proud, not jealous...I just kept on trucking and made it to the 50lb mark and people really started noticing.
People I never knew that noticed me before, were noticing me now.
It makes me feel amazing when people let me know that they can see the results of my hard work.
Wearing shorts this week has opened up the floodgates for compliments :)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Week 33

Start weight: 247
Current weight: 190.8
Total loss: 56.2

A great week!
I went to the gym 4 days this week.
Monday for kick and a mile walk.
Tuesday for Zumba.
Wednesday for Spin then Active. Crazy hard to do back-to-back!
Thursday for my 5k trial run and Zumba afterwards. I was so proud/tired!
Friday I overslept & missed morning Zumba.
Saturday was my 5k.
Today I went to visit my Grandfather so the gym took a backseat.

I'm ready for another week of working hard though!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Fallen Heroes 5k 2012

I was pretty nervous Thursday & Friday leading up to Saturday morning.
I laid everything out the night before.
I had a hard time sleeping Friday night.
I dreamt we were late to the race and didn't get to run, that my phone wouldn't work & play my music...
But everything was fine. Except for the RAIN!
We woke up at 6am, ate oatmeal & got dressed.
Our friends, Katie & James met us at our house and we drove to the park.
As soon as we got out of the car, we felt the raindrops.
Not a good sign.
We made our way down to the opening ceremonies and everyone was huddled inside as the drops became a steady rainfall.
We were told to make our way to the starting line, stretch, get my headphones and music ready.
Then the gun went off. 
The cool rain felt good on my face.
I kept track of my pace on my watch.
My first mile 10:55, my second around 13 and my third, 13 again.
I got emotional seeing families standing by the signs of their fallen hero...and I cried thinking that last year, I stood at the same 5k watching my husband, saying that no one could pay me to do a 5k, it just wasn't something I thought I could do.
There were hills and it seemed long but before I knew it, it was over and I was crossing the finish line at 37:16, my official time. :)
Under my goal of 39 minutes!
One happy girl!
I am SO thankful for my friends who ran with us and keep me motivated on my journey :)
Bananas & Cracker Barrel for breakfast, then naps.
It was amazing and I can't wait to do again soon!

Monday, March 12, 2012

A case of the Mondays....

Today was one of those Mondays....
I woke up late-the time change threw me off.
Thankfully I had packed my lunch and set up my coffee & oatmeal the night before.
Work was hectic and busy, a long day of driving, so no lunch run.
I enjoyed my lunch of chicken slices, string cheese, yogurt, peaches, mandarin oranges and apple sauce.
I got a new app for my phone so I could do this:
July 2011 (247lbs)  and February 2012 (194lbs)
That made my day a lot better.
I can see the difference now!

I got off late, but still managed to eat dinner and get to the gym before kick class.
I stayed after to get on the elliptical and try the sauna for the first time.
It was super hot in there but supposedly it makes your skin better.

Just 4 days until my next 5k, really gonna work on getting one more run in this week.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Week 32

Start weight: 247
Current weight: 193
Total loss: 54

A slow week, weightloss wise for me.
I've had a sinus issue since last Sunday.
Making it impossible for me to run.
I did however, go to the gym for 7 days in a row for the first time ever!
I also did all the reps in active with my handweights for the first time ever.
And I used 20lbs plus the bar for weights class today :)

My husband also made me feel amazing Saturday night, he just stared into my eyes and told me I looked really beautiful and I could tell he truly meant it. That makes me feel on top of the world!
Today I had a coconut cream pie larabar on the way to the gym for breakfast and by the time I was getting into my car to go home (2.5hrs later), my stomach was growling. My stomach ate the bar up and was hungry again!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I tried Panera & I liked it!

While driving today, I missed my turn for Chick-fil-a.
I saw a Panera sign and decided to eat there.
I quickly looked up the calories for the menu-but I didn't need to, they were already beside each menu item.
I ordered the Asian Sesame Chicken Salad.
I picked off the crispy wontons for a 310 calorie salad, very yummy!
Still feeling sick, but because it's only my nose I went to Zumba last night and to Active class tonight.
Feeling proud and strong :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

I love my gym!

At first, it was just that my friends went here. It is much smaller than my last gym and a lot of my high school classmates go here so I wasn't sure that I would love it.
I loved the classes after just one week, and I haven't been to a class that I don't love yet. The girls behind the counter know me by name.
I've met several people who have lost or are losing weight and we catch up with each other weekly at the gym.
The 10 times or more board is a pretty good motivator at the front door as well.
And the first thing you see before you even open the door is:
I've emailed the owner about my favorite instructor teaching more classes, and a few weeks later a new class of hers was added to the calendar!
Now there's the class/signature challenge, that they have extended through the end of March.
My first full card!
SO many reasons to love it here!
Here's my monthly email with my tally of visits for February.
22-24 times!
I knew it was possible, it was a LOT of work & dedication with no excuses!
I can feel a head cold coming on, but I went ahead to the gym to walk & bike tonight.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Week 31

Start weight: 247
Current weight: 193.5
Total loss: 53.5

Feeling on top of the world!
I'm feeling confident & prettier!
I got this.
The gym challenge is helping a lot.
As well as my health-minded friends!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Running during lunch!

My schedule at work has changed so that I am in the office on Mondays & Fridays.
I work about 15 minutes from my gym, so I decided to see if I could make it there, get a good workout in and back in an hour.
I started using my lunch hour as my C25K time and it works out well.
Tonight was my friend's birthday party and I knew there would be delicious cake.
I saw my Zumba teacher's Facebook status that they needed more people to come or the 5:30pm class was cancelled so I decided to go!
And then I enjoyed cake!
One small piece was just enough :)

Monday, February 27, 2012


This past weekend we ventured to Birmingham for a couple days away. The night before we left I read this post, specifically about eating healthy on vacation. It got me to thinking about what we were going to do on our trip. Last time we were in Birmingham, we ate. A LOT. Basically our whole trip revolved around the next meal- because we were on vacation and our hotel didn't serve breakfast we ate every meal out. We visited the Peanut Depot to get peanuts, we went to our favorite barbecue place, as well as the restaurant attached to the hotel lobby. Basically it was a pig-out fest.
Dinner last time in Birmingham

Where we ate ribs & fries

I was determined to make this trip different. We started out with lunch before we left at Chipotle.

 We did eat in the restaurant attached to the hotel lobby again, but we ordered grilled fish & chicken instead of steak. We did get fries & bread but we went easy on both. After dinner we relaxed in the room while our food settled. Then, we got dressed for the hotel gym. I even had to borrow a rubberband for my hair- but I was determined to get a workout in. And that I did, I ran 2 miles in 27 minutes. We even researched breakfast places before bed, choosing a place that had a light menu that included egg beaters/egg whites and turkey sausage :)
Breakfast was a delicious egg beater omelette with mushrooms, goat cheese & turkey sausage with fresh fruit on the side, we got "famous" milkshakes for lunch, then light hibachi for dinner.

While my eating wasn't perfect- I stayed within my calories for the weekend and even got a workout in. 
Balance, I like it.
And you know I love me some dressing room pictures!

And I also can't help but compare:
On the left June 2010 and on the right February 2012

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week 30

Start weight: 247
Current weight: 196
Total loss: 51

51 Freakin' pounds!
Gone forever!!!!

This is my half-way point to my goal!
Now I only have 51 more pounds to lose :)

Friday, February 24, 2012


One thing that inspires me to work out hard is music.
Lately I'm loving this song we do in Zumba:
Waka, Waka by Shakira
We do Zumba to the spanish version but I downloaded the english version and love the lyrics so much!
I feel like they apply to me directly.
You're a good soldier
Choosing your battles
Pick yourself up
And dust yourself off
And back in the saddle

You're on the frontline
Everyone's watching
You know it's serious
We're getting closer
This isnt over

The pressure is on
You feel it
But you've got it all
Believe it

When you fall get up
Oh oh...
And if you fall get up
Oh oh...

Tsamina mina
Cuz this is Africa

Tsamina mina eh eh
Waka Waka eh eh

Tsamina mina zangalewa
Anawa aa
This time for Africa

Listen to your God

This is our motto
Your time to shine
Dont wait in line
Y vamos por Todo

People are raising
Their Expectations
Go on and feed them
This is your moment
No hesitations

Today's your day
I feel it
You paved the way
Believe it

If you get down
Get up Oh oh...
When you get down
Get up eh eh...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My 50lb Reward!

So guess who offically hit 50lbs down this week???
This FIT girl did!
So I did it, I went and got my owl tattoo!
The stencil
The outline
My finished reminder that I have the knowledge it takes to be fit :)

I wasn't expecting to lose the last 1.5lbs I needed to until next week, but I hopped on the scale Saturday morning before Zumba and it read 197!
Even though we had Freschetta Simply Inspired BBQ Chicken Pizza & Skinnytaste's Banana Cream Pie Friday hard work at the gym this week paid off!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Week 29

Start Weight: 247
Current weight: 198
Total loss: 49

ONE pound til 50!!!!

I can hear the tattoo gun calling my name!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

This was our first "healthy" valentines day. Nothing too far from our norm though.
We are homebodies when it comes to busy holidays-we didn't want to venture out to an over-crowded restaurant on a week night.
We made ribeye steaks the Pioneer Woman way, with GreenLiteBites mashed potatoes and roasted asparagus.
For dessert I made Skinnytaste's Banana Cream Pie. Yes, again, we both love it!
We exchanged weenie cards :)
And for the first time ever, gave each other healthy gifts.
He gave me new earbuds for running and I gave him a gift certificate to SkyZone workout classes.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Foods I'm Loving Lately...

Subway Salad

Lettuce, spinach, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers and sweet onion chicken teriyaki & sauce as dressing.
About 220 cals.

Chipotle Shrimp & Avocado Tacos

My local tex-mex restaurant offers fried avocado tacos on the menu, I order them baked. And now I made them at home! Wheat tortillas, fat free refried beans, chipotle sauce, shrimp, avocado and sauteed onions. I had left over shrimp so I threw them on some chopped spinach as a side salad.

Chick-fil-a's Grilled Nuggets & Fruit

When I don't have time/don't feel like making my lunch/don't a salad- this is my fast food lunch.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012

New Challenge!

We have a new challenge at our gym for the month of February!
We were given blank cards for signatures for classes.
Everytime you take a class you get a signature. Back to back classes count!
Everytime you bring a friend to take a class, you get 2 signatures!

The prizes are:
Gold- $500 car, home or body makeover.
A local car place donated oil change passes and maintenance coupons. The home makeover is cleaning and maintenance coupons and the body makeover is training classes at our gym.

Silver- after-hours Zumba party with a DJ and catered food and we you get to invite 30 people.
This would be my favorite!

And Bronze is a bunch of gift certificates for local restaurants. None of which have the reputation of being healthy :(

And if you fulfill all the classes for Gold level you are entered into the other levels for prizes too.

I also got my monthly email from my gym. I only made it 7 times in January.
That is less than last month- not what I was aiming for.
I'm so glad this challenge starts now, it is just the kick in the butt I need!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My amazing husband...

I don't know how anyone can lose weight without a partner, whether it be a gym buddy, an accountability partner or a trainer...
I just know that having my husband along for the ride is the best thing ever! He is always up to try new foods and recipes even when he knows they are "skinny" recipes. He loves going to eat at healthy restaurants and he even comes to classes with me sometimes.
He is not afraid to try and be healthier and that makes me so happy!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week 27

Start weight: 247
Current weight: 199
Total loss: 48

Finally! Movement! That's what going to the gym gets me!
Finally under 200 :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Another 5K

Michael and I signed up for another 5K today.
This will be his 5th and my 2nd.
He did this one last year as his first.
My boss will not able to attend this year due to a back injury, but we will be there doing our best.
Our friend Stephen, Michael & my boss at last years race

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I love fish!

And I've figured out how to cook it at home!
I buy frozen tilapia filets from BJ's & spray a glass cooking dish, then add basil, oregano, red pepper flakes then top with parmesan cheese. I spray the fish with cooking spray to get the cheese to stick then broil for 8 minutes on high.

Served with oven fries w/ blue cheese crumbles and a salad.