Sunday, April 15, 2012

Week 37

Start weight: 247
Current weight: 184
Total loss: 63

So, thank you willpower for letting me not only buy, but consume: two bags of easter candy and a bag of chips.
I bought the chips for our camping trip, but they didn't make it 3 days in the house. I should've known better, but it's a new week now.
The candy was just stupid. I shouldn't have even gone down that aisle! 
"It was on sale..."
"It's for my husband"
"I can control myself"
Those are the things I thought to myself as I was buying it....
No excuses though, I am back at the gym at least 5 days this week and no more candy!
I will lose weight this week!
Camping in NC, trying not to eat 65 s'mores :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I hope that my niece, born in January 2012 will never remember me as "fat" Aunt Kayla, hopefully I will just be Aunt Kayla.
I know that my other nieces and nephews may remember me being bigger, but I hope that this time I am just a normal aunt.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Week 36

Start weight: 247
Current weight: 184
Total loss: 63

My loss number keeps getting bigger!
Like it's supposed to, I know. It's just that after being big for so long, I feel like at some point it's just going to stop and not get any lower.
Please, God, don't let that happen!
It feels weird after a mediocre workout week to lose 2.6lbs...but I hope it has something to do with me gaining muscle so I can keep losing fat!
Those 15lb weights are heavy and my triceps hate me this week!
But the best thing ever happened in Zumba Thursday: the lady behind me in class asked me if I knew I had amazing legs?
WOW. Me? Like did you know I weighed 250lbs 9 months ago? Geez.
I just said thank you and smiled :) That made my whole freakin' week.
This just in: It freaks me out when I see a picture of myself and I'm like do I really look like that? I don't look fat all the time!!!
Me being a happy, healthy camper with my beautiful bike!
New size 13 dress
Dinner with the love of my life

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A new weight

Being under 186lbs is new to me, I haven't been here since highschool!
I was 186 on the cruise in 2009.
And now I am under....
This is the scary part right?
I haven't been this small on purpose, ever.
Getting into the 170's is what will really throw me for a loop.
At 5'5", 179lbs puts me into Overweight BMI and out of Obese BMI.
I'm hoping Mother's Day, which will be the next time I see most of Michael's family (since Christmas when I was 200lbs) that I will be in the 170's.
It will be truly amazing!

Monday, April 2, 2012

60lbs down!

My reward:
New shoes :)
where to wear them?
here hopefully:

Honestly, I wanted to go out to eat as a reward. I'm getting the feeling that we can still go out to eat, but my main reward will be spending time with my man doing something new (a musical), while wearing my 60lbs lost heels :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week 35

Starting weight: 247
Current weight: 186.6
Total loss: 60.4

A great week, weight loss wise...
Hitting 60lbs lost feels amazing!
I am 2/3rds of my way to goal now, feeling more motivated than ever.
Sad news: I didn't win anything in our 2 month gym challenge, but I did lose 12lbs! and gain a lot of new classes to love :)
This week I went up to 15lb handweights for my active class, and I wasn't sore! The teacher noticed and called me a rockstar, it is so amazing how achieving new things feels!